Becker Map Pilot - refurbished module
Becker MAP PILOT navigation module works with Audio 15 and Audio 20 devices
Latest map included.
1 year warranty for the device!
Becker MAP PILOT navigation module. Fully integrated with the vehicle electronics and on-board navigation. All functions and navigation details are shown in the instrument cluster and the Audio 20 CD / Audio 15 CD display. Can be operated via on-board controls (multifunction steering wheel, voice control).
Discreetly placed in the glove compartment. Simple to remove for configuration or update via USB connection to PC / Laptop. Supplied with map and POI data for 44 European countries.
The route is calculated on the basis of the current traffic situation (TMC / Premium TMC) and personal preferences.
3D views, lane assist, realistic road sign display. Can store up to 200 destinations.
Available as an option or as a retrofit solution. Upgrades the Audio 20 CD or the Audio 15 CD into a fully-fledged navigation unit.