Porsche PCM 3.0 / 3.1 USA to EU conversion
When you brought your car from the USA to Europe, but your navigation instead of wide highways shows empty space - we have a solution for you.
We offer conversion to European standards, PCM 3.0 and 3.1 devices from Porsche cars .
How do I know if it is PCM 3.0 or 3.1?
Hold down 2 keys at the same time: SOURCE + INFO and if you do not have the info button, MEDIA + CAR
When we see the words PCM2, PCM4.0 or MHI2_ on the screen - this is not the equipment.
When we see PCM3 or PCM3.1 on the screen - yes, this is the navigation.
What do you gain with our conversion?
- Full range of radio waves used in Europe
- Navigation support in Polish, English or German
- The latest available map of the whole of Europe
- a guarantee of a reliable service.
Is it possible to perform the conversion remotely?
Unfortunately, in the case of this device, it is necessary to visit our office by car. We perform the entire process within 1 day.
Our service guarantees safe conversion for cars imported from outside the European Union! We'll change the frequencies, maps and available languages. Here we can make your American radio navigation useful in Europe!
Way of implementation
1. Choose the service you are interested in.
2. Make a purchase in our store.
3. Contact us to arrange a convenient date for you.
4. Come to us!